Monday 22 September 2014


As a child, I was always the one to be found in a corner with a book in hand. Years later, this passion turned into a profession when I became a journalist with Times of India.

Life moved on and so did I from India to the UK. I still remember arriving here as a newly wed bride shivering more from cold than the prospect of entering an unknown life.

A lot has happened since then. A new life, two wonderful children and a new cultural perspective are just some of them. One thing didn't change though - the love for the written word. The result- this blog. Besides it offers freedom from the trappings of the audience driven format of a broadsheet.

My creative instinct doesn't apply to just words but includes food too. What started off as a need based activity is now a much loved hobby. Now that I have overcomed the "hiccups" (read kitchen disasters) culinery experiments are now a favourite not only with me but with the family too!

Yet another interest is arts and crafts for kids. It is amazing how kids appeal to one's creative instinct. It began as an option to keep them occupied, now it is a fascinating inclination.  Often you will find me looking at discarded cardboard boxes or a pair of tights as potential art projects although not necessarily a successful one!

Anyway, this space is designed to celebrate my love for books and life.
If you like what you read, do drop a line.

It keeps the motivation levels up, when self doubt kicks in .

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