Monday, 15 March 2021

Trust me - T.M Logan

Pacy, action packed read

What if you are on the train and someone hands you a baby to hold for a bit. Sounds routine but the same premise in Logan’s hands, turns into a crazy rollercoaster ride in his latest book, Trust Me.

Having read Holiday, I love his style and the way his stories pull you in and keep you there till you find out what it is all about. That is what happens with this book as well.


Ellen is travelling on train and finds herself opposite a young mother holding a beautiful baby opposite her. She agrees to look after her for minutes while the mum sorts herself out only to realise, she is left alone with the baby and a note that says,

“Please protect Mia. Don’t Trust anyone, Don’t trust police.”

This triggers off a series of events that Ellen has no time to fathom before realising that her life and the baby’s are at stake. Ellen has no choice but to catch scraps of information thrown at her and assembled before it is too late for her to act.

My review:

  • It is a fast-paced thriller, that leaves you no time to breathe as events collide into one another, a layered story that slowly unveils itself.
  • Love the title. Trust is such a loaded word and the story is so much in sync with the current times.
  • It is a plot-driven story, where the events propel the story forward but the characters - Ellen, Dominic, Leon, Gilbourne, Holt are well well rounded too, their backstories justifying their actions, which in turn makes for a great reading experience.
  • A high octane read for those who love thriller/race against time/who dunnit reads or boxsets. 

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