Thursday, 19 January 2017

You Sent Me A Letter - Lucy Dawson

A promising title for an average plot.

A very arresting title and a tight plot. It sounded just like the right book to settle down for the weekend. The premise sounded very intriguing. I had never heard about Dawson before. I love a good story and even better if it is a thriller.


Right before her fortieth birthday Sophie finds a man standing at the foot of her bed. He hands her a letter and tells her to open it right in front of everyone at her birthday party.

Sophie is confused, shocked and left wondering what secret does the letter contain.

What works:
  • It ticks all the boxes. A great title, an intriguing premise and a good central character.
What doesn't:
  • Unfortunately it did not hold interest. It starts off great the letter and all Sophie's attempts to get to the bottom of it. However, after a point, it became too twisty to keep a track off. It was as though the author wanted to keep the reader guessing and kept confusing her.
  • However, so much for the twists in the plot, the end was quite predictable.
An OK read. But that would not deter me from looking out for Dawson's next.

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