I had never read B A Paris before although had heard a lot about her "Behind Closed Doors" which was a major hit among book lovers. Her latest has been winning rave reviews on book twitter and I was thrilled to get started with it.

Livia is looking forward to her 40th party, something that she has been waiting for it for years, especially she never had a proper wedding day. This was supposed to be a perfect day with all her family around her. However, her daughter studying abroad is not able to make it back on time. She needs to tell her husband something but decides to wait until after the party. Her husband Adam, on the other hand is pulling out all stops to make it the day she had always dreamt of. However, he fears that he knows something that it might spoil the day Livia has been waiting for.
It is a big day for the family, but a day that will change it forever as well.
What works:
- The story gets right into the middle of things and then spirals out to give us the backstory.
- The characters are great, the reader gets into their heads easily, their situations and their close network is nicely laid out which makes it an interesting read.
- The backstory that supports the characters is plausible, ties in well with their actions, shows the amount of work that has gone into creating them.
- There is a gamut of emotions and I could feel myself on a rollercoaster ride, identifying with the character's emotions throughout the story.
What doesn't:
You can see the how and why behind the character's behaviour. Sometimes, wringing out the emotions a bit too much.
However, that occurs only in patches. Overall, it is compelling, believeable and a great read.